Debate on CPR with the Business Council for Democracy and the Bertelsmann Foundation
News about our company and topics
Forum Wirtschaftsethik: 5 Questions for Johannes Bohnen
Prof. Dr. Arnulf Baring Would Have Turned 90. A personal Tribute by Johannes Bohnen.
Interview with Johannes Bohnen with SWR 2 on Nation Branding
Interview with Johannes Bohnen on Nation Branding and Tourism
The Modernity of Christian Humanism in the Digital Age - Bohnen and Hennies as Guest Authors
Corporate Political Responsibility in the Classroom
Iran Expertise for Werder Bremen: Interview in the Weser Kurier
Inforadio rbb: Does politics impact tourism?
Speech at the Council of the German American Conference at Harvard
BPA in BILD and BZ: Analysis of the major election posters for the Berlin elections in September
The Atlantic Initiative in the "Gazette” Published by the Federation of German-American Clubs
Commentary by Bohnen in the German Handelsblatt: Entrepreneurs as Citizens
CPR Brings 'New Momentum' to the Discussion Around CSR
Article Published in the Zeitschrift für Politikberatung: Why Companies Should Position Themselves
Article in the Magazine ENORM
Article in the Magazine CICERO
Article in "Engagement macht stark!" - Political Festival