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CPR Brings 'New Momentum' to the Discussion Around CSR

"KomMa - Das Magazin für Kommunikationsmanager" of the F.A.Z. publishing group puts Dr. Johannes Bohnen's concept of corporate political responsibility (CPR) "to the test" in its 03/2015 issue. The new concept is "making the rounds in responsibility communication" and brings "new momentum to the discussion," says author Kai Praum.

"It's about throwing the first stone into the water with the CPR concept and kicking off a new debate," Bohnen is quoted. The article takes a look at the four basic principles of CPR developed by Bohnen and shows how certain facets of CPR are already being successfully implemented in companies such as BP and the Metro Group.

The author concludes that although individual fields of action of the CPR concept are not fundamentally new, one strength of the approach is to bring lobbying and sustainability aspects closer together. This would result in clear opportunities for both areas. Praum continued, "Lobbying could succeed in losing its bad image and sustainability activities and will no longer be perceived as a fig leaf when corresponding to the company's clearly identifiable political activities."

You can read the full article here.

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