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10 CPR Theses in "FORUM Nachhaltig Wirtschaften"

In the current issue of "FORUM Nachhaltig Wirtschaften"(Sustainable Business Forum), Dr. Johannes Bohnen presents Corporate Political Responsibility (CPR) in 10 theses. He argues that sustainable business should not only be understood in the current CSR dimensions of the social and ecological - but above all politically. Stable democratic institutions, the rule of law, and vital public debate in the sense of a competition of ideas create an environment in which companies can thrive. That's why they should advocate for these goods and develop a political stance. CEOs like Joe Kaeser of Siemens, who repeatedly intervenes publicly on political topics, are taking important first steps in this direction. A fundamental framework for CPR engagement is also provided, for example, by the UN Sustainable Development Goals - in particular the decidedly policy-oriented Goal 16 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions."

The article can be read online here.

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