Together with the Wirtschaftsrat, BKP hosted the panel discussion "Start-up to new ways - Digital Economy" with the guests Sybille von Obernitz (Senator for Economics Berlin), Dr. Christian Nagel (Earlybird), Marc Strigel (SoundCloud), Moritz Waldstein-Wartenberg (Circel Products), and Florian Nöll (spendino GmbH). Cornelius Wendel moderated the event.
Read the report here:
"Bridges must be built between the digital economy and the established economy in Berlin," said Senator for Economics, Technology and Research of the State of Berlin, Sybille von Obernitz at the event "Start-up to New Paths - Digital Economy" organized by the Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e.V. - Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg. She called on the digital economy to engage in greater dialog and exchange with politics and other industries based in Berlin. In the historic Kassensaal of the KfW-Bankengruppe, the senator discussed the potential of start-up companies and Berlin's role as a science and research metropolis and "start-up hotspot" in Europe with representatives of the digital economy. Moderated by Cornelius Wendel, Bohnen Kallmorgen & Partner, these entrepreneurs participated in the panel discussion: Maximilian Classen, Earlybird, Florian Nöll, Co-Founder, spendino GmbH, Co-Founder, Entrepreneurs Club Berlin, Marc Strigel, General Manager, SoundCloud and Moritz Waldstein-Wartenberg, Managing Director, Circle Products GmbH.
The representatives of the digital economy emphasized the capital's attractiveness for start-ups. Berlin, they said, is characterized by openness and otherness. One can feel the urge to exchange ideas in the metropolis. However, politicians must continue to accommodate the startup scene so that Berlin remains an internationally attractive location for innovation and startups in the future. For this reason, the entrepreneurs criticized the recommendation of the Bundesrat (Upper House of the German Parliament) on the Annual Tax Act 2013, which provides for free float shares of less than ten percent to be taxed. This would lead to a disadvantage for smaller shareholders and a weakening of the so-called business angels, which form the basis of numerous start-ups. This step would mean a significant setback for the start-up scene - not only in Berlin but throughout Germany.
The panelists agreed that Berlin's innovation potential must continue to be marketed to promote the city as a business location. Senator Obernitz: "We need more Berlin ambassadors outside our metropolis."