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January 26, 2016
The German economic and financial daily „Handelsblatt“ published a commentary by Dr. Johannes Bohnen. In his article, Bohnen calls on managers and entrepreneurs to adopt not only social, but also political positions. In the context of the current refugee crisis, he refers to the concept of Corporate Political Responsibility (CPR), with which companies can maximize their profit potentials through win-win solutions for themselves and society.
You can view the article as PDF here.
April-May 2015
In the business magazine ENORM, Dr. Johannes Bohnen speaks about the importance of the concept of Corporate Political Responsibility (CPR). His article "The State, That’s Us All” talks about strengthening democracy and the overall political system when companies are willing to take a political stance.
You can view the article as PDF here.
April 1, 2015
In-Depth interview with Dr. Johannes Bohnen in the German daily Sächsische Zeitung. Under the title "Take Up A Stance!", he speaks, inter alia, about the importance of the political influence companies have with respect to the Pegida demonstrations in Dresden. Companies would meet the expectations of society more effectively if they were helping strengthen the values of our democracy.
You can view the article as PDF here.
February 2015
CSR has become obsolete and should be gradually replaced by CPR. This new concept is being introduced by Dr. Johannes Bohnen in his article “Become political!” for the German magazine CICERO. In the area of CPR, BPA provides consulting services.
You can view the article as PDF here.
September 2014
Johannes Bohnen (2014): The first German Festival of Politics – A changing political engagement, in: Engagement makes us strong! 2 (4), pp. 44-47.
You can view the article as PDF here.
January 26, 2012
Dr. Johannes Bohnen introduces new ways of communication for urban development projects:
August 17, 2011
Dr. Johannes Bohnen explains in an interview with the newspaper WELT what motivated him to follow through with his own ideas when he founded his own business:
July 22, 2010
In a joint effort, and the online think tank that was founded by Dr. Johannes Bohnen and Jan Kallmorgen are campaigning on behalf of over 4,000 soldiers of the Federal Armed Forces in Afghanistan. and the Atlantic Initiative are starting the joint action "Mail For Our Soldiers!":
July/August 2009
Dr. Johannes Bohnen and Jan Kallmorgen describe in the journal International Politics how the web 2.0. affects politics. Citizens and other stakeholders will participate much more. Politicians must be prepared and should explain especially their foreign policy much better:
PDF: Internationale Politik, Ausgabe 7, 2009
June 21, 2009
In an exclusive interview with, Dr. Johannes Bohnen speaks about ways of strengthening foreign policy culture and transatlantic relations under President Obama:
June 2009
Peter Felixberger publishes the book "Germany’s Next Years – Where Our Journey Will Go” about the mission statement process “How Are We Going To Live Tomorrow? – Germany’s Next Generation” of the Policy Planning Staff at the Federal Chancellery. Dr. Johannes Bohnen played a key consulting role to Chief of the Policy Planning Staff and its team members. Dr. Bohnen was responsible for designing, facilitating and guiding the entire process, as well as for the written report of the results:
May 7, 2009
Dr. Johannes Bohnen and Jan Kallmorgen take part in a panel discussion with Andrew Rasiej (Personal Democracy Forum), Jose Antonio Vargas (Washington Post) and 130 guests at the opening ceremony of the office of the Atlantic Initiative U.S. in Washington, DC:
Dr. Johannes Bohnen talks about leadership responsibility in the BMW Foundation’s Young Leaders Interview and suggests ways of how the issue can be further strengthened globally:
November 28, 2008
The city of Bremen’s Chamber of Commerce presents the guidelines “Perspective Bremen 2020” that was developed by Dr. Johannes Bohnen and other experts from all over Germany for a positive development of Bremen’s economy:
May 2008
Dr. Johannes Bohnen and Jan Kallmorgen talk at Atlantic Times about America as a model for civil commitment in Germany and their inspiring time at Georgetown University in Washington, DC:
July 2005
As part of the interview series “Yesterday a DAAD Scholar – And Today?”, Dr. Johannes Bohnen in conversation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) talks about agenda setting, political campaigns at the intersection of politics and business as well as his DAAD scholarship as the basis for his successful PR work:
January 11, 2005
German daily Berliner Zeitung reports on the congress “Berlin helps itself” initiated by Dr. Johannes Bohnen, where five citizen networks in Berlin cooperate to strengthen the civil society: